Them Old Bones

Them Old Bones, the CD, is collection of songs written after many years of experiences finally found a way to have their stories told.   Some go way back, some are relatively new, some are real and some are fictitious.  Long Distance Trucker, for instance, is loosely based on a story I heard about a wife entering a Social Security death benefit claim after her husband passed.  He was a trucker in his lifetime and it was hard for the claims representative to tell his widow that he also had another wife in another state.  Diva Night is a light hearted tale of the "Girls" night out based on an annual local event that morphs into a night at La Cage aux Folles.  Well at least in my mind. 
Them Old Bones, the title song, is a tale of a young man’s adventure at the expense of a young girl’s heart.  From time to time his conscience awakens and he grieves for his inability to remove the hurt he has caused.  Skeletons reside in most people’s closets and sometimes they find their way out to dance about.   George Bernard Shaw said, “If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best teach it to dance.”   Interesting saying but in reality they already know how to dance.  Just give them the opportunity.
A special thank you to those who helped make this dream a reality.

Heather Hardy - vocals on Early Morning Lullaby and Anniversary Song.
April Reed Cox - cello on Old Familiar Song  and Christian's Song
Chris P Simpson - lead guitar on Them Old Bones, Three Thirty Nine, and Anniversary Song
Leopard Girls - Chris P Simpson, Gary Lawless, Ben Hunsberger, Hal Ahlers
                        on Diva Night, Damn Trac, Long Distance Trucker, and Blueberry Hill.
Jud Caswell - Producer, Sound Engineer, Wizard, Cat Herder
                        Bass on Them Old Bones,
                        Melodica on Old Familiar Song, 
                        Banjo and Strings on Early Morning Lullaby.


Song Notes

Them Old Bones
Everyone has something they’ve done or said in the past that they would rather not have and every once in a while a trigger can set off a thought about them that is momentarily paralyzing.  At least people with a conscience do.  These skeletons in the closet rattle around from time to time.  George Bernard Shaw said, "If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you best teach it how to dance" but in reality they already know how to dance.  
Long Distance Trucker
Monogamy is the norm but there are some who see it differently and find a job that helps them attain their heart’s desires. 

Early Morning Lullaby
Lullabies are meant to be soothing so that the baby will go to sleep but sometimes the words are anything but.  Case in point “Rock-a-by Baby” has such a violent ending.  No such violent ending to Early Morning. This song was inspired by a good friend's struggle with his marriage falling apart.  Having been there before, I knew there was a whole new life awaiting him. 

Three Thirty Nine
Being awakened very early in the morning by your dog whining is not pleasant to say the least.  And as the saying goes, “Life is full of rude awakenings” but it’s what you do when you find yourself in that situation.

Diva Night
There is an event in my hometown, an evening of fashion, fun and frolic “to celebrate your inner diva”.  I heard about this and pictured women of the town parading down the sidewalk and somehow it morphed into a scene from Rue Paul’s Drag Race.  Strange how the mind works.

Christian’s Tale
A while ago I read an article about local shipwrecks of the coast of Maine.  There’s just something about shipwrecks that is very intriguing, the horror, the heroism, the viciousness of the sea that lashes out and takes what it will and when satiated becomes as tranquil as it was before.  And we are left with the memories.

Old Familiar Song
 We all have songs that get stuck in our heads from time to time.  It’s funny what triggers that, a smell, a sound, a chance meeting of a lover of long before...
Damn Trac
We don’t always express to those we love our inner most thoughts and feelings.  It comes out as selfish and accusatory when inside we know the truth.
Sometimes we can find ourselves in an awkward situation when a friend does something that might be considered outrageous.  There’s usually more to the story and what is right for someone might not be right for some one else.
I Can't Imagine (Anniversary Song)
Written for the celebration of twenty years of marriage.
Blueberry Hill
This is a traditional rendition of an old favorite song.
The Last Waltz
Getting older one realizes it may be the last time we get the chance to do something special and not only do we want to savor the moment but make it last all night long as well.