Previous events

Maine Songwriters Association's Songwriters On Stage proudly presents their first SOS since the COVID-19 pandemic started. The premier show will be hosted by Scott Woodruff who will bring Maine award winning musicians Andrea Goldman Cole and Oliver Rhodes along with his long time friend and collaborator Ben Hunsberger. Together these sing/songwriters will tell their stories and sing their songs for a wonderful mix of enchanting music.



Longfellow Days Jud Caswell and Maryli Tiemann offer a 2022 tribute to the legacy of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Jud will join other songwriters to share their music inspired by Longfellow poems. Maryli will gather poets to read both Longfellow’s and their own poetry. And we’ll all join in humming along with hymns in spired by the Longfellow family that we’ve enjoyed over generations. Watch Live:

Come join us for an open mike dedicated to original music, hosted by Jud Caswell. Bring your instrument, your voice, and two of your own songs to share (we've got room for solos and duos, so ask a friend to join you!).

Make sure to be here a half hour before the start time to sign up if you would like to play. Every week we will have a featured performer who will share a 30 minute set of their own original music with us. We also have weekly themes -- suggestions of topics or challenges for our songs.


Them Old Bones CD Release Party

This is the long awaited event presenting the finished CD representing many long hours and many wonderful, talented and generous musicians who helped make this dream of mine a reality. We would like to play all the songs from the CD exactly as they were recorded and in the order they appear. Realizing that would be impossible we will shoot for the same order and hope when you listen we can do justice to the CD.

If you would like to be invited please join my mailing list or drop me a line on the Contact page.